How can you get what you want out of your online marketing campaign if you don’t set out what your specific goals are?
When you start a business, or some point in managing your business, you will create a Business Plan. You may do this because you know it is a good thing to do so you are focused in running your business or may be required to do one by your bank manager when you are looking for funding, etc. It’s a fact that many people are so busy with the set up and day to day operations of their businesses that they don’t get around to this — and so it is even less likely that they will set out a specific online marketing plan, but in these days when budgets are tighter than ever and online marketing is a big part of making or breaking a business, it is more important than ever.
Determining your Online Marketing Goals should be the first step in setting out your Online Marketing Plan. While all of the steps are important, this first step will ensure that you are focused on the actual results you want to achieve and also set a benchmark so that you can see where your results are coming from.
This process will also highlight other areas that you can tighten up on to ensure best results; i.e. do you have a system to note how customers heard about you so that you can see which of your marketing efforts are most effective?
Use the form below to note your current situation regarding sales, number of clients, from various activities, etc.
There are columns to include future statistics so that you can compare results and determine where you can improve performance. Be sure to include additional types of information to track relevant to your own business that I may not have included (i.e. number of memberships, repeat customers, etc.)
For more tips on determining your internet marketing goals and setting out your online marketing plan, refer to my Search Engine Journal article:
Online Marketing in 2011: 4 Things to Do Now to Be Prepared
All of the information on the article is relevant in any year.
Have you already formally laid out the goals for your internet marketing activities? What tools did you use? Do you have any other tips on this?
If you use this form please let me know how you get on or ask any questions you have here in the comments or on Twitter or Facebook.