Before you pass on reading this because it involves a task that takes a little time, please note that this process will:
- save you time and money wasted on communicating with people that aren’t interested in or suited to your products or services; and
- make setting out the rest of your internet marketing plan so much easier!
Many new businesses think they want to target EVERYONE or large portions of certain sectors, but you cannot effectively or efficiently communicate online, or even offline for that fact, to EVERYONE. Your marketing efforts will be much stronger if very relevant to a specific segment of the target market.
An important step, probably THE most important step, in preparing your online marketing plan is to identify your target market and break it down into segments that you can tailor your content for. This is also important to determine which online marketing activities and social media channels are most suited and how to best time your activities.
You know yourself that you only read content that catches your eye and is particularly relevant to you, so you know first hand why this is an important process. It is also a huge mistake to assume that you know off the top of your head, even from years in the industry, that you know what your target marketing wants, unless you have gone through this process.
Years in the industry will be an invaluable asset, particularly if you have taken the time to talk to customers and prospects and pick up some of this information, but remember that there are some important difference in traditional sales and marketing and online marketing and sales and this process will help to see where these differences lie.
Use this form to gather important information on your target marketing relative to your online marketing activities:
The following article I wrote for Search Engine Journal will help you in identifying your target market and gathering the necessary information:
Have you formally identified your target market? What tools did you use? Do you have any other tips on this?
If you use my process please let me know how you get on or ask any questions you have here in the comments or on Twitter or Facebook.